Mecadaq Group is aware of the important social responsibilities an industrial company can face. This social awareness is an integral part of our organization, processes, and global management. Our policies promote an ethical balance between the dual mandates of striving for profitability and benefiting society.


Each of our collaborations are integrated in this approach, employees, suppliers, customers, but also investors and partners. Our ethical belief guides our strategic decisions.


In our line of work, we constantly wonder how we could reduce our direct impact on the environment. Our global policy management is based on information and also education


Every day we try to develop a fulfilling work environment and company culture. We keep an open conversation with our teams, and rely on an ambitious program of skills, talent management and development.


We want our business to grow strong while we believe in transparency and integrity. Our commitment regarding ethical behavior in our work environment is deep, and it is one of the pilar of our business