MECADAQ is joining the “Factory of the future” project from GIFAS

Mecadaq Group is involved in the Factory of the Future, also called the Factory 4.0 project, led and co-financed by GIFAS. This 18-month project will ultimately enable Mecadaq Group to continue and move production systems towards “All Digital” while strengthening productivity and competitiveness for the direct benefit of our customers.

A program built to answering to excellence demands.
Demands of excellence from clients to supply chain increased the last few years. To help companies meet this standard, the GIFAS (French aerospace industries association) launched the INDUSTRY’S FUTUR program which intend to guide the industry.
This program, which is financed by the GIFAS, the state, regions, “OPCAIM”, and companies, is offering guidance towards industrial excellence throughout 4.0 technologies and digitalization.

Collective interest for aerospace industry
There are numerous goals : increase industrial performance, strengthen competitivity but also improve collective efficiency of the sector, thanks to the implementation of exchanges platform or software between clients and suppliers. Cybersecurity is also the heart of this program with different protection solutions depending on the company needs.
A long term process
The program is divided into 4 sections and lasts 18 months. Every participant is being observed during 30 days by a technologist who establish a diagnosis, measures digitalization level of the company and presents afterwards his recommendations and actions plan among which appears different technologic solutions to adopt.

Several lines of work
Mecadaq is aware of the improvement it could achieved thanks to these measures, that’s why we are involved into this long-term process.
The goal ? strengthen our competitivity and increase our flexibility and our industrial tool reactivity.
Each company which are participating to this big digital project is affiliated with a “wave” directed and managed by an originator.
After some detailed phase of analysis planned during the first trimester, our four French sites will approach different lines of work, with very distinct themes such as flows simulation, control of machines productivity, digital continuity and warehouse digitalization.
This is an ambitious program with a national scope, and with its own particularity : contributing in the meantime to the individual growth of companies, but also to the collective efficiency of the aerospace industry.

In the same spirit, Hirschler is also embracing this movement through the first step, implementing an ERP system (enterprise resource planning).
This will ease internal management but also communications with other group facilities.